About YggVal

Founded on more than 25 years of experience in validation !

Created in 2007 thanks to the associated expertise of Mr. Serge Pflumio and Thierry Chereau, owners of the company, YggVal's core business is oriented towards validation.

Following 25 years of experience as a Validation Director for one of the telecommunication industry flagship company, Thierry Chereau chose to partner with Serge Pflumio to prove that validation is a profession in itself, and not a "constraining task" given to software developers.

Just like Software Development has its languages, Validation has its methods and tools that, if used correctly, can be applied on all types of projects and products that needs to be validated.

L'objectif premier d'YggVal

YggVal est une entreprise de service dont l’objectif est d’aider d’autres entreprises à libérer leur produit sur le marché dans les meilleures conditions.
Nous avons délibérément choisi de ne pas nous spécialiser dans un secteur d’activité car nous sommes persuadés que la VALIDATION est un métier à part entière.
Notre vocation n’est pas d’être le spécialiste du test et de la validation d’un secteur en particulier, mais bien d’être un spécialiste du test et de la validation en tant que métier.

Distinguished "Alsace Excellence"

Following an external audit, YggVal meets the economical, environmental and societal requirements of the "Alsace Excellence" label. Like all labeled companies, YggVal carries the values of the Alsace region, and contributes to its excellence.


YggVal website is now available in English
Our website is now available in English, in an effort to reinforce the partnership between YggVal and...

Present in multiple activity areas !

The diversity of the sectors YggVal was already able to provide services for reaffirms this transversal vision of Validation. Our teams are able to assist you in validating your products coming from :

  • The telecommunications industry
  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • The railroad industry
  • The aeronautical industry
  • The automation industry
  • The home appliance industry
  • The production of specific machines
  • And many more !